hope on my caldina ! :)

Jan 27, 2011

doploh2 ...

oke.. setelah sekian lame myepikan diri krana tlalu bz dgn urusan2 yg xbpe pnting dan yg penting akhirnye mlm ni ak decide la nk mengepost sumtin utk blog ak yg da jdik ap tah ni.. hahaha gtal tgn p repair sne sni hee :p skali hamekk kauu.. tapahape hehe :) disebabkan suda bbrapa hari xupdate blog niii sye dgn ini mngambil kputusan utk mmbuat summary tntang bbrapa prkare (perlukah??haha) :)


1. Who was your first love? 
hahaha .. sumone time skola rendah :p
2. Who was your first kiss and when?
hahahaha (gelak lagikk!!) hahahaha :D

3. Who was your first prom date?
tapenah plax ad prom.. dnner2 bese ad la kot.. 

4. Who was your first room mate?
second. skul : rmaii sgt.. stu dorm !! :)
college: k.jiha, k.ila n k.lia
5. What was your first job?
cikgu pasti :) pasti aulad bestari,sg. petani
6. What was your first car? 
blum ad lagikk ni hehe 
7.When did you go to your first funeral?
tapenah lagikk.. sbb tabole p,nti nges :'(

9. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?
6 years old
10. Who was your first grade teacher?
cikgu fauziah.. i ges? ehh.. xhengat laa hehe
11. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
tapenahh pon laa.. camne nk ad yg first :P

13. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with?
hahaha my ex of kos, we went to mahkota parade :)
14. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
hahahahaha my brother afiq.. to go n meet mR.woobie weeee ;)
15. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
shima.. yup2!! but.. lme sgt xcontact.. kinda miss her.. ma,if u read tis.. tinggalkan jejak anda.. SYE RINDU AWAKK!!! :'(
16. Who was the first person to send you flowers?
hahahahahahahahahaha razif..kot? an old fren :)
17. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house?
moved out? not really moved out laa.. tpi start klua umah rite after spm.. uitm shalam,kolej MAWAR.. 
18. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? 
mR. woobie sob sob sob :'(
i'll always turn to him ..hurmm..
19. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen?
alamakk.. blum pnah lagik jadik pengapit hehe penyebok ad laa hehe
20. What was the first concert you went to?
not really a concert but a live tv show; my starz LG :)

ilysm mR.woobie :)
- begadoh itu adalah makanan kite! ;) - 

"Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice."
— Erich Fromm (The Art of Loving)
mira mustaffa

Jan 17, 2011

. fucked up .





Jan 15, 2011

. kejutan budaya .


 telus setelus2nya kali ni ak nk sembang.. hurmm.. kejutan budaya atau dlm bhase omputih dpggil culture shock..dengan ssgguh hati dan berani matinye ak sndri mngaku penah la skjap jdik centu.. mak aihh stlah brpglaman bgitu diigtkan pde sume tayah la ad yg brcite2 nk jdik cm ak ni haa.. da elok2 pkai tdung mak bpak anta p skola blaja pkai tdung.. gatal gedik nk bkak2.. habes stu malaya nk tayang rmbut.. cmne? pstu dok pkai bju mrapu2.. lengan pndek tu stu hal la kan.. da tu.. siap ni haa duk tnjuk sne sni.. time tu trpengaruh.. ak x plak ckp 'kengkwn' ak yg ajak.. x2.. tu adlh keinginan dn naluri sndri yg dihasut setan yg durjana lagi NON-HALAL JADAHNYE.. haha :D da tu mule la ad desire nk wt bnde2 len yg mang xsptutnye di buat oleh seorang pompuan n lbeyh2 lagi yg beragama Islam.. tho ak taw telalu kuat sgt godaan dan hasutan dunie yg indah2 ni haa.. kri kanan dpan blkg sume nye godaan.. heshh.. ak ni bkn la bk bajet baek ke hape ke.. tp ak rse ak ad freedom sndri utk mluahkan sgale yg ak rase n pk kt cni.. spnjang dkat 3 thun jauh dri family mcam2 bnde ak da wt.. smpai la ble stu bnde ni jdik kt ak.. yea mybe slah ak n ak kne time kaseh kt dorg sbb at least dorg bjya wt ak tsdar dri mmpi2 yg xindah tu n mule kmbali bpijak d bumi yg nyta d mana ak sbnarnye xlyak utk skali dgn mereka n lifestyle ak xlah se-urban centu n ak bkan juge dbesarkn dlm bdaye yg centu.. yes, da tlalu jauh myimpang n mule la mncari blik ap yg da hlang.. msih blum tlmbat lgi utk ak baiki sgale yg slah dlm dri dan slow2.. one step at a time.. stu bnde yg ak sdar n dpt from bnde yg da jdik adalah JGN SESEKALI KITE NI BLAJA UTK TIPU MAK BABAH KITE DAN JGN SESEKALI LUPE KITE SAPE DAN KAT MANE TEMPAT KITE sbb once kte lupe org akan mule utk igtkan kte dlm keadaan yg pling kte xsgke n not to say menusuk.. 
setinggi mane pon kte trbang jgn lah sekali2 lupe asal usul kite n sape kte ni.. ak rse btuah sgt sbb Tuhan tu cepat sdarkan ak blik yg ak da nk larii track da.. ak da mule hlang arah punce dan tjuan ble tlalu bebas hdup tade org sekat dan mgamalkan prinsip mghalalkan yg haram.. ak taw,ad je yg bace ckap dlm hti " ko igt ko baek,ko pon setan!" "bajet alim!" "ustazah la sgt!!" ap lagikk.. mcam2.. tape.. alhamdulillah.. tu doa tu :) semoge btul ap yg korg ckap tu.. at least ak da blik tmpat asal ak.. n ak ad MAK BAPAK ak nk tego mne slah mne btol.. ak tw sume pon ad jugak kn? jdik sile la igt kt dorg tu sebelum 



(ak da kt bawah da ni haa)



(macam ak la kan.. da cium bumi baru nk trase saketnye :p)


p/s: imysm mR.woobie!
imysm mak babah :(
imysm my three musketeers
 yg sedar diri,
- mira mustaffa -

Jan 14, 2011

separuh jiwaku pergi...

its been 10 years but i can still feel his love all around me.. 
i can still hear his voice calling my name..
i can still feel his tender touch and the scent of his tobacco..
i really miss him.. 
i miss him so much.. 
why must he left me so early.. 
still xpuas lgi nk bmanje dgn die.. still ag xpuas nk rse kaseh sayang die..
orang tue2 salu ckap.. 
orang baek2 salu Tuhan sayang..
n yes indeed.. 
Tuhan lebih syangkan die n maybe tu adalah jln trbaek sbb die mnderita nearly 2 years klua msuk hspital.. 
puas la jge n tgk die ..
tp still i miss him so much.. 
dulu time ad die..
stiap pgi pon ikut die p mnum kt kdai kopi.. mkan kueh..
tman die p workshop kete pstu p kbun dgn die.. 
kutip buah jambu.. tman die mracun...
how i wish i can turn back time and get him back into my life :'(
superbly missing him..

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Would you hold my hand

If I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven
I'll find my way, through night and day
Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven

Time can bring you down

Time can bend your knee
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please

Beyond the door

There's peace I'm sure.
And I know there'll be no more...
Tears in heaven

Would you know my name

If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Cause I know I don't belong

Here in heaven 

atok tunggu mira taw.. mira rindu atok ngn nenek :'(

- ilysm mR.woobie -
ilysm atok nenek :'(

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
— Dr. Seuss
- mira mustaffa -

Jan 11, 2011


love happened when u least expected it to be ..

that will be what others had always told me before..
but the main question for me will always be
"who will be the giver of that unexpected 'thing' ?" 
hurmm.. when it happened whether you like it or not you have to accept it no matter what.. when it comes knocking on your door there will be no way out for you .. (try to elude it!if u can)

normally kite akan salu dimomokkan oleh org tue2 yg our jdoh or our future will always have this and that criteria.. but then,sile bepijak d bumi yg nyate.. xsume bnde yg kte nak dlm dunie ni kte dpat.. wlaupun org mgkin akan mntertawekan kte once kte dpat a guy yg mcm tade future or what so-eva tp..
adakah kte Tuhan smpai kite mmpu utk mmbace ap yg mnanti seseorang itu d mase hdapannye? :) 
we never know what will hppn to us if kte kawen or bjdoh dgn spe skali pon.. tho if dat guy is sumbody yg grad from university or snang cte die ad education background yg bagus, itu blum tntu dpt mnjamin future kte once kte tgther dgn die.. 
n if dat guy have no educational background from not even private kolej or the kolej komuniti ke hape ke adekah itu bermakne die tabole lgsung utk sare kte in the fture? :)
(sile pk then jwab)

persoalannye skrg adlah... 
dri kte sndri n how we are goin to upgrade ourselves so that we'll get sumtin that we want whch is the happiness.. 
yes, duit memaenkn prnan penting sbb klw tade duit kte tabole jgak p kdai mamak n mtak megi goreng pstu byar pkai cinta :p tp klw duit ad stnggi gnung pon tp tade feel,cane? simpan bwak kubo kah?? :)
i noe.. he mite not be the best n die mgkin xcpai things that my fam expect from me but then..
i blve that he can tke gud care of me n he will be the father of my children .. n wlaupun die hnye skdar jual cadar kt pasar mlm skalipun..
( sbb ad org kutuk die kt wall fb which i tw sape mkhluk2 tu..yg ktuk kt wall tu pon ko kne sdar oke.. ak tw cite ko yg org ttw n jgn tlalu yakin dgn ap yg korg ad skrg oke? :) without u realise thngs tat u did wit ur bf die cte kt other guys.. pity u! ) 
die taw cmne nk crik duit yg halal n die tapenah sshkan mak bpak die.. no mtter wut.. i dun want nti ble da kawen nk tkar mentol toilet pon nk pggil org n nk repair paip bcor pon nk pgil plumber.. 
sumtimes blaja from the street will be btter then blaja thru books n etc..
im not saying this because i love him ke hape ke.. tp cube dok jap n pk..

im not being biased or what but then saye blaja bpijak dbumi yg nyate whch kte tkkan salu dpt prkare2 trbaek n yg trindah yg kte impikan..
life is not always a bed of roses .. 
life is not a fairytales ..
theres no cinderella nor snow white..

kte kne blaja brsyukur n trime ap yg kte ad seadenye :)

klw da mang tertules n tersurat kat atas he's the one for me.. 
saye trime n redha :) 

- ilysm mR.woobie :) -

"My night has become a sunny dawn because of you."
--Ibn Abbad
-mira mustaffa-

Jan 10, 2011

bla blu bleh !!

assalamualaikum wbt :)
ececehhh siap bgi slam bak bgai hahaha :D
dat bak bagai word is ...hehe :p
lots of thngs hppnd tis few days..
mcm2 la.. mcm2 sgt asenye ni haa :p
nyway..bru tgk pic c eykal p skola.. hehe comeyy!!!

ni tgu c amsyar ngn mrdhiah plax haha
kmbaq taon dpa tu suma!! :)
kazen2 kcikk saye hehe
skjap je tbe2 dorg sume da msuk skola
(yg btulnye ta sdar dri maken tue!! hahaha)

tbe2 tringat time dlu2 frst time p tadika hahahaha

mcm lwak je.. tadika dlu kt ipoh kn..
kg. tersusun rapat ap tahh .. xhengat da ni haa.. da lme sgt da hehe
pstu tingat time bday kt tadika kan.. mak bli cake strawberry pastu kayuh beskal p uma nenek yg jge me n my brothers time kcik dlu..
time ujan2.. pkai bju ujan pstu smpai uma nek tu tgu bus plax p tdika..
bwak dgn cake2 tu skali.. haa byangkan.. ujan plax tu haa.. hahaha :D
that will always be the sweetest memory that can't be exchange with money :)
first time to be a survivor n all.. tu yg wt kte igt smpi mati tu ..
pstu another one will be the hari sukan skola tadika hahahahaha
carik gule2 dlm tepung.. then lari dlm karung guni (skrg klw wt mang tgolek la,karung pon xmuat da nk msuk :p) pstu ap ag eak.. ec air dlm btol .. tiup belon eh mcm2 hahaha
tapahape je asenye hehe :p
hurmm.. memory..
manis.. masam.. pahit.. tawar..
sume pon brharge ..
tho sometimes the memory reminds you of the bad days bt then it will always there in your mind whether you like it or not :) 
hurmm ..

- ilysm mR.woobie :) -


"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
- marilyn monroe
- mira mustaffa -

Jan 6, 2011


tu la die.. asek mngeluh je; xsudah2.. cmne.. hurmm (lgi haa)
alaa.. life must go on tp tis time feel like wanna end it rite now!

- kerana tlalu tnsion mental.. ak xp clas tdi ptg.. sbb tw.. ad yg dok kte mngate.. glak tawe dblkg sne..-

its not like im gving up ervythng its just the feeling of suffocate-ness and how to say eak..
things happened ..yea i noe, dun have to say it for thousands times to me! i knew it already
fish laa.. ntahh smpai ble tis feeling nk brlarutan :(
as for those who did it.. tenks for making my life tis miserable :)
i pray tat u guys will get and achieve every single thing that u want..
mybe btul slah ak sndri kot.. we nver noe.. mcm sumone ni la, die ckp kt ak..

"we only know us for 30 percent the rest 70 percent is what others think and know about us"

by that,mybe yela.. ak ni bknla seorang kwn yg baek (smpi ad yg ckp che khin*** tu lgi mulie dri ak! cmne? hine plax tu, xchantek.. fu**ing ugly bia**h ktenye. ad yang kte siap nk tgk ak ni ssh n kne gne tropong  bsar cket. pstu nk smbur pki ridsect lgi haa hehe) bt thn, if its true ak slah ckp la dpan2 ak ni..
y must u get my mak n babah involved in tis matter *sighs*
u c.. ble centu ak ni yg kne..
which i noe,mang itu yg u guys nk.. so tat my mak n babah have no trust towards me anymore
kne marah ngn dorg
ap2 la..
yes tenkiu..
tape2.. mybe today is my day.. esok luse, we dunnoe..
sume org pon ad mak abah.. umi abah.. mama abah.. ap2 je laa.. mak ayah.. umi abi..
(sume nme2 yg dgunekan utk pggil mak babah kte :) )
so.. hurmm.. 
(sile pk)

whatever it is.. still..

"telajak perahu bole diundur telajak kate rosak binase"
- peringatan utk saye tho ... -


- ferris wheel -

dunie ibarat roda,bkn stiap mase kte kt atas :)

nyway.. tenks sbb wt mak ak nges sbb ak n itu tlah mmbuat ak bdose bsar lgi skali 
ini bhagian ak.. alhamdulillah..
(dlm hati org yg bce ni.. ko bajet ko baek sgt laa??!! x, xbaek pon.. sdar dri)


- ilysm mR.woobie -

[Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman--- Maya Angelou]
-mira mustaffa-

mehnah.dan.tribulasi *sighs*

oke!! finally..hehe i have it officially.. dharap jgnla sye ini mlupekan lgi pword dan juge email for tis blog :)
hahaha.. tbe2 tringat che ummu dgn disaksikan oleh che ain (k.yusra tade oke, dodgeball hehe) tny tdi "bkn klw nk tules blog kne ad bkat ke?" apekah jwpan yg sesuai..hurmm..hahaha :D
nti sat nk pkiaq.. 
"the last time i remember m'sia is a free country so.. the freedom is all yours !!"
eh.. mang bnde tu has been tested and proven by certain blogger who really used that to the very core of its meaning..
means diorang memang btul2 write free-willy in their blog :p
tis sem will be a very hectic and busy semester for me..
arghh!!! tlaluu byk bnde yg perlu disettle in one sem :
haa amek list :)

i- final year project aka fyp
ii- ASSignments :)
iii- small scale research on literature
iv- study
vi-study some more hahaha :D
npak mcm cket kan.. tp meh cni cube wt tgk ;)
tis sem will going to b a very short sem so dats y those things that looks like very few are actually a lots since i have to get it done in a very short 4 month..
wht ever it is .. this is the sweetness of being a university student (duhh.. :p)
enaf said..sembang2 chocolate hahaha
home-made chocolate
bahan2 nye: (tbe2 kn)
hahaha :D

sengal x.. biala.. hahaha :D ishh.. kne jge ni nk tules ap..
due orang stalker sjati tu da nk sebok2 glakkan post i st g ..
haa.. tu die due ekor tu.. :P
 budak kecik yg sgt amat sibuk utk mmbce post i :)
gigih utk bjage dan xtdo mreka2 hahaha :D

tape2,keep on following ye che ummu haha
wait for the next entry.. 
eh,pasnie .. i pon cm nk wt jgak la mcm blog che minahh tu.. yg siap ad episod2 tu..
oOOooPpSss.. hahaha :D
oke2 .. c ya ..
btw.. as a start la kan.. hahaha :D
(tabole blahh .. nk jgakk!! :D)

- ilysm mR. woobie :)-

[The honorary duty of a human being is to love. -- Maya Angelou]
- mira.mustaffa -

Jan 5, 2011

pokpek2 :)

testing2.. 1..2..3

cubaan.. hahaha
testing2 ni.. nk tgk je dlu weyhh .. tapahape kann :p

- superbly true *sighs* -

- mira mustaffa -

Jan 27, 2011

doploh2 ...

oke.. setelah sekian lame myepikan diri krana tlalu bz dgn urusan2 yg xbpe pnting dan yg penting akhirnye mlm ni ak decide la nk mengepost sumtin utk blog ak yg da jdik ap tah ni.. hahaha gtal tgn p repair sne sni hee :p skali hamekk kauu.. tapahape hehe :) disebabkan suda bbrapa hari xupdate blog niii sye dgn ini mngambil kputusan utk mmbuat summary tntang bbrapa prkare (perlukah??haha) :)


1. Who was your first love? 
hahaha .. sumone time skola rendah :p
2. Who was your first kiss and when?
hahahaha (gelak lagikk!!) hahahaha :D

3. Who was your first prom date?
tapenah plax ad prom.. dnner2 bese ad la kot.. 

4. Who was your first room mate?
second. skul : rmaii sgt.. stu dorm !! :)
college: k.jiha, k.ila n k.lia
5. What was your first job?
cikgu pasti :) pasti aulad bestari,sg. petani
6. What was your first car? 
blum ad lagikk ni hehe 
7.When did you go to your first funeral?
tapenah lagikk.. sbb tabole p,nti nges :'(

9. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?
6 years old
10. Who was your first grade teacher?
cikgu fauziah.. i ges? ehh.. xhengat laa hehe
11. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
tapenahh pon laa.. camne nk ad yg first :P

13. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with?
hahaha my ex of kos, we went to mahkota parade :)
14. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
hahahahaha my brother afiq.. to go n meet mR.woobie weeee ;)
15. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
shima.. yup2!! but.. lme sgt xcontact.. kinda miss her.. ma,if u read tis.. tinggalkan jejak anda.. SYE RINDU AWAKK!!! :'(
16. Who was the first person to send you flowers?
hahahahahahahahahaha razif..kot? an old fren :)
17. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house?
moved out? not really moved out laa.. tpi start klua umah rite after spm.. uitm shalam,kolej MAWAR.. 
18. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? 
mR. woobie sob sob sob :'(
i'll always turn to him ..hurmm..
19. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen?
alamakk.. blum pnah lagik jadik pengapit hehe penyebok ad laa hehe
20. What was the first concert you went to?
not really a concert but a live tv show; my starz LG :)

ilysm mR.woobie :)
- begadoh itu adalah makanan kite! ;) - 

"Love isn't something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn't a feeling, it is a practice."
— Erich Fromm (The Art of Loving)
mira mustaffa

Jan 17, 2011

. fucked up .





Jan 15, 2011

. kejutan budaya .


 telus setelus2nya kali ni ak nk sembang.. hurmm.. kejutan budaya atau dlm bhase omputih dpggil culture shock..dengan ssgguh hati dan berani matinye ak sndri mngaku penah la skjap jdik centu.. mak aihh stlah brpglaman bgitu diigtkan pde sume tayah la ad yg brcite2 nk jdik cm ak ni haa.. da elok2 pkai tdung mak bpak anta p skola blaja pkai tdung.. gatal gedik nk bkak2.. habes stu malaya nk tayang rmbut.. cmne? pstu dok pkai bju mrapu2.. lengan pndek tu stu hal la kan.. da tu.. siap ni haa duk tnjuk sne sni.. time tu trpengaruh.. ak x plak ckp 'kengkwn' ak yg ajak.. x2.. tu adlh keinginan dn naluri sndri yg dihasut setan yg durjana lagi NON-HALAL JADAHNYE.. haha :D da tu mule la ad desire nk wt bnde2 len yg mang xsptutnye di buat oleh seorang pompuan n lbeyh2 lagi yg beragama Islam.. tho ak taw telalu kuat sgt godaan dan hasutan dunie yg indah2 ni haa.. kri kanan dpan blkg sume nye godaan.. heshh.. ak ni bkn la bk bajet baek ke hape ke.. tp ak rse ak ad freedom sndri utk mluahkan sgale yg ak rase n pk kt cni.. spnjang dkat 3 thun jauh dri family mcam2 bnde ak da wt.. smpai la ble stu bnde ni jdik kt ak.. yea mybe slah ak n ak kne time kaseh kt dorg sbb at least dorg bjya wt ak tsdar dri mmpi2 yg xindah tu n mule kmbali bpijak d bumi yg nyta d mana ak sbnarnye xlyak utk skali dgn mereka n lifestyle ak xlah se-urban centu n ak bkan juge dbesarkn dlm bdaye yg centu.. yes, da tlalu jauh myimpang n mule la mncari blik ap yg da hlang.. msih blum tlmbat lgi utk ak baiki sgale yg slah dlm dri dan slow2.. one step at a time.. stu bnde yg ak sdar n dpt from bnde yg da jdik adalah JGN SESEKALI KITE NI BLAJA UTK TIPU MAK BABAH KITE DAN JGN SESEKALI LUPE KITE SAPE DAN KAT MANE TEMPAT KITE sbb once kte lupe org akan mule utk igtkan kte dlm keadaan yg pling kte xsgke n not to say menusuk.. 
setinggi mane pon kte trbang jgn lah sekali2 lupe asal usul kite n sape kte ni.. ak rse btuah sgt sbb Tuhan tu cepat sdarkan ak blik yg ak da nk larii track da.. ak da mule hlang arah punce dan tjuan ble tlalu bebas hdup tade org sekat dan mgamalkan prinsip mghalalkan yg haram.. ak taw,ad je yg bace ckap dlm hti " ko igt ko baek,ko pon setan!" "bajet alim!" "ustazah la sgt!!" ap lagikk.. mcam2.. tape.. alhamdulillah.. tu doa tu :) semoge btul ap yg korg ckap tu.. at least ak da blik tmpat asal ak.. n ak ad MAK BAPAK ak nk tego mne slah mne btol.. ak tw sume pon ad jugak kn? jdik sile la igt kt dorg tu sebelum 



(ak da kt bawah da ni haa)



(macam ak la kan.. da cium bumi baru nk trase saketnye :p)


p/s: imysm mR.woobie!
imysm mak babah :(
imysm my three musketeers
 yg sedar diri,
- mira mustaffa -

Jan 14, 2011

separuh jiwaku pergi...

its been 10 years but i can still feel his love all around me.. 
i can still hear his voice calling my name..
i can still feel his tender touch and the scent of his tobacco..
i really miss him.. 
i miss him so much.. 
why must he left me so early.. 
still xpuas lgi nk bmanje dgn die.. still ag xpuas nk rse kaseh sayang die..
orang tue2 salu ckap.. 
orang baek2 salu Tuhan sayang..
n yes indeed.. 
Tuhan lebih syangkan die n maybe tu adalah jln trbaek sbb die mnderita nearly 2 years klua msuk hspital.. 
puas la jge n tgk die ..
tp still i miss him so much.. 
dulu time ad die..
stiap pgi pon ikut die p mnum kt kdai kopi.. mkan kueh..
tman die p workshop kete pstu p kbun dgn die.. 
kutip buah jambu.. tman die mracun...
how i wish i can turn back time and get him back into my life :'(
superbly missing him..

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Would you hold my hand

If I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven
I'll find my way, through night and day
Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven

Time can bring you down

Time can bend your knee
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please

Beyond the door

There's peace I'm sure.
And I know there'll be no more...
Tears in heaven

Would you know my name

If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Cause I know I don't belong

Here in heaven 

atok tunggu mira taw.. mira rindu atok ngn nenek :'(

- ilysm mR.woobie -
ilysm atok nenek :'(

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
— Dr. Seuss
- mira mustaffa -

Jan 11, 2011


love happened when u least expected it to be ..

that will be what others had always told me before..
but the main question for me will always be
"who will be the giver of that unexpected 'thing' ?" 
hurmm.. when it happened whether you like it or not you have to accept it no matter what.. when it comes knocking on your door there will be no way out for you .. (try to elude it!if u can)

normally kite akan salu dimomokkan oleh org tue2 yg our jdoh or our future will always have this and that criteria.. but then,sile bepijak d bumi yg nyate.. xsume bnde yg kte nak dlm dunie ni kte dpat.. wlaupun org mgkin akan mntertawekan kte once kte dpat a guy yg mcm tade future or what so-eva tp..
adakah kte Tuhan smpai kite mmpu utk mmbace ap yg mnanti seseorang itu d mase hdapannye? :) 
we never know what will hppn to us if kte kawen or bjdoh dgn spe skali pon.. tho if dat guy is sumbody yg grad from university or snang cte die ad education background yg bagus, itu blum tntu dpt mnjamin future kte once kte tgther dgn die.. 
n if dat guy have no educational background from not even private kolej or the kolej komuniti ke hape ke adekah itu bermakne die tabole lgsung utk sare kte in the fture? :)
(sile pk then jwab)

persoalannye skrg adlah... 
dri kte sndri n how we are goin to upgrade ourselves so that we'll get sumtin that we want whch is the happiness.. 
yes, duit memaenkn prnan penting sbb klw tade duit kte tabole jgak p kdai mamak n mtak megi goreng pstu byar pkai cinta :p tp klw duit ad stnggi gnung pon tp tade feel,cane? simpan bwak kubo kah?? :)
i noe.. he mite not be the best n die mgkin xcpai things that my fam expect from me but then..
i blve that he can tke gud care of me n he will be the father of my children .. n wlaupun die hnye skdar jual cadar kt pasar mlm skalipun..
( sbb ad org kutuk die kt wall fb which i tw sape mkhluk2 tu..yg ktuk kt wall tu pon ko kne sdar oke.. ak tw cite ko yg org ttw n jgn tlalu yakin dgn ap yg korg ad skrg oke? :) without u realise thngs tat u did wit ur bf die cte kt other guys.. pity u! ) 
die taw cmne nk crik duit yg halal n die tapenah sshkan mak bpak die.. no mtter wut.. i dun want nti ble da kawen nk tkar mentol toilet pon nk pggil org n nk repair paip bcor pon nk pgil plumber.. 
sumtimes blaja from the street will be btter then blaja thru books n etc..
im not saying this because i love him ke hape ke.. tp cube dok jap n pk..

im not being biased or what but then saye blaja bpijak dbumi yg nyate whch kte tkkan salu dpt prkare2 trbaek n yg trindah yg kte impikan..
life is not always a bed of roses .. 
life is not a fairytales ..
theres no cinderella nor snow white..

kte kne blaja brsyukur n trime ap yg kte ad seadenye :)

klw da mang tertules n tersurat kat atas he's the one for me.. 
saye trime n redha :) 

- ilysm mR.woobie :) -

"My night has become a sunny dawn because of you."
--Ibn Abbad
-mira mustaffa-

Jan 10, 2011

bla blu bleh !!

assalamualaikum wbt :)
ececehhh siap bgi slam bak bgai hahaha :D
dat bak bagai word is ...hehe :p
lots of thngs hppnd tis few days..
mcm2 la.. mcm2 sgt asenye ni haa :p
nyway..bru tgk pic c eykal p skola.. hehe comeyy!!!

ni tgu c amsyar ngn mrdhiah plax haha
kmbaq taon dpa tu suma!! :)
kazen2 kcikk saye hehe
skjap je tbe2 dorg sume da msuk skola
(yg btulnye ta sdar dri maken tue!! hahaha)

tbe2 tringat time dlu2 frst time p tadika hahahaha

mcm lwak je.. tadika dlu kt ipoh kn..
kg. tersusun rapat ap tahh .. xhengat da ni haa.. da lme sgt da hehe
pstu tingat time bday kt tadika kan.. mak bli cake strawberry pastu kayuh beskal p uma nenek yg jge me n my brothers time kcik dlu..
time ujan2.. pkai bju ujan pstu smpai uma nek tu tgu bus plax p tdika..
bwak dgn cake2 tu skali.. haa byangkan.. ujan plax tu haa.. hahaha :D
that will always be the sweetest memory that can't be exchange with money :)
first time to be a survivor n all.. tu yg wt kte igt smpi mati tu ..
pstu another one will be the hari sukan skola tadika hahahahaha
carik gule2 dlm tepung.. then lari dlm karung guni (skrg klw wt mang tgolek la,karung pon xmuat da nk msuk :p) pstu ap ag eak.. ec air dlm btol .. tiup belon eh mcm2 hahaha
tapahape je asenye hehe :p
hurmm.. memory..
manis.. masam.. pahit.. tawar..
sume pon brharge ..
tho sometimes the memory reminds you of the bad days bt then it will always there in your mind whether you like it or not :) 
hurmm ..

- ilysm mR.woobie :) -


"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
- marilyn monroe
- mira mustaffa -

Jan 6, 2011


tu la die.. asek mngeluh je; xsudah2.. cmne.. hurmm (lgi haa)
alaa.. life must go on tp tis time feel like wanna end it rite now!

- kerana tlalu tnsion mental.. ak xp clas tdi ptg.. sbb tw.. ad yg dok kte mngate.. glak tawe dblkg sne..-

its not like im gving up ervythng its just the feeling of suffocate-ness and how to say eak..
things happened ..yea i noe, dun have to say it for thousands times to me! i knew it already
fish laa.. ntahh smpai ble tis feeling nk brlarutan :(
as for those who did it.. tenks for making my life tis miserable :)
i pray tat u guys will get and achieve every single thing that u want..
mybe btul slah ak sndri kot.. we nver noe.. mcm sumone ni la, die ckp kt ak..

"we only know us for 30 percent the rest 70 percent is what others think and know about us"

by that,mybe yela.. ak ni bknla seorang kwn yg baek (smpi ad yg ckp che khin*** tu lgi mulie dri ak! cmne? hine plax tu, xchantek.. fu**ing ugly bia**h ktenye. ad yang kte siap nk tgk ak ni ssh n kne gne tropong  bsar cket. pstu nk smbur pki ridsect lgi haa hehe) bt thn, if its true ak slah ckp la dpan2 ak ni..
y must u get my mak n babah involved in tis matter *sighs*
u c.. ble centu ak ni yg kne..
which i noe,mang itu yg u guys nk.. so tat my mak n babah have no trust towards me anymore
kne marah ngn dorg
ap2 la..
yes tenkiu..
tape2.. mybe today is my day.. esok luse, we dunnoe..
sume org pon ad mak abah.. umi abah.. mama abah.. ap2 je laa.. mak ayah.. umi abi..
(sume nme2 yg dgunekan utk pggil mak babah kte :) )
so.. hurmm.. 
(sile pk)

whatever it is.. still..

"telajak perahu bole diundur telajak kate rosak binase"
- peringatan utk saye tho ... -


- ferris wheel -

dunie ibarat roda,bkn stiap mase kte kt atas :)

nyway.. tenks sbb wt mak ak nges sbb ak n itu tlah mmbuat ak bdose bsar lgi skali 
ini bhagian ak.. alhamdulillah..
(dlm hati org yg bce ni.. ko bajet ko baek sgt laa??!! x, xbaek pon.. sdar dri)


- ilysm mR.woobie -

[Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman--- Maya Angelou]
-mira mustaffa-

mehnah.dan.tribulasi *sighs*

oke!! finally..hehe i have it officially.. dharap jgnla sye ini mlupekan lgi pword dan juge email for tis blog :)
hahaha.. tbe2 tringat che ummu dgn disaksikan oleh che ain (k.yusra tade oke, dodgeball hehe) tny tdi "bkn klw nk tules blog kne ad bkat ke?" apekah jwpan yg sesuai..hurmm..hahaha :D
nti sat nk pkiaq.. 
"the last time i remember m'sia is a free country so.. the freedom is all yours !!"
eh.. mang bnde tu has been tested and proven by certain blogger who really used that to the very core of its meaning..
means diorang memang btul2 write free-willy in their blog :p
tis sem will be a very hectic and busy semester for me..
arghh!!! tlaluu byk bnde yg perlu disettle in one sem :
haa amek list :)

i- final year project aka fyp
ii- ASSignments :)
iii- small scale research on literature
iv- study
vi-study some more hahaha :D
npak mcm cket kan.. tp meh cni cube wt tgk ;)
tis sem will going to b a very short sem so dats y those things that looks like very few are actually a lots since i have to get it done in a very short 4 month..
wht ever it is .. this is the sweetness of being a university student (duhh.. :p)
enaf said..sembang2 chocolate hahaha
home-made chocolate
bahan2 nye: (tbe2 kn)
hahaha :D

sengal x.. biala.. hahaha :D ishh.. kne jge ni nk tules ap..
due orang stalker sjati tu da nk sebok2 glakkan post i st g ..
haa.. tu die due ekor tu.. :P
 budak kecik yg sgt amat sibuk utk mmbce post i :)
gigih utk bjage dan xtdo mreka2 hahaha :D

tape2,keep on following ye che ummu haha
wait for the next entry.. 
eh,pasnie .. i pon cm nk wt jgak la mcm blog che minahh tu.. yg siap ad episod2 tu..
oOOooPpSss.. hahaha :D
oke2 .. c ya ..
btw.. as a start la kan.. hahaha :D
(tabole blahh .. nk jgakk!! :D)

- ilysm mR. woobie :)-

[The honorary duty of a human being is to love. -- Maya Angelou]
- mira.mustaffa -

Jan 5, 2011

pokpek2 :)

testing2.. 1..2..3

cubaan.. hahaha
testing2 ni.. nk tgk je dlu weyhh .. tapahape kann :p

- superbly true *sighs* -

- mira mustaffa -